Woodworm- What to look out for


The term woodworm means wood boring beetle. More specifically the larvae produced by a number of different species of wood boring beetles. They can be quite the pest if left to their own devices and once you have an infestation, it can be quite hard to get rid of them. This is due to larvae creating tunnels whilst searching for food. Below is some information about woodworms.


What do they look like?

The larvae are maggot like grubs in appearance and size and cream or white in colour. Adults vary due to the different species associated with the umbrella term ‘woodworm’ however not too unlike a common beetle, adults would be small in size and black in colour.


Eating Habits

Interestingly, it is not the adults that eat the wood, it is the larvae. Adults will lay their eggs in cracks in a wooden object. When the eggs hatch, the larvae will burrow deeper in the wood to feed. By doing this, they not only cause cosmetic damage to the wood but also structural damage due to the tunnels they make if an infestation is left for a long period of time.

Woodworms are most likely to be found in woods that have a higher water concentration than usual. Damp in properties can be caused by poor ventilation so it is always good practice to check this regularly. Woodworm thrive in damp wood conditions! Once they have found a good feeding ground, they continue the cycle of feeding, emerging as beetles, mating, laying eggs, hatching larvae, feeding etc. They will remain in the same location providing they can source the food and water required. Please be aware, if you have a recurring damp issue and have already had a treatment for woodworm, there are high chances that the woodworm infestation may return.


Signs to look out for

If you have a woodworm problem, then you will know about it. They leave a trail of evidence. There will be holes in wooden objects such as headboards, floorboards, wooden beams etc. If there are lots of holes then the chances are you have had an infestation for some time, or it is a big infestation. When the adults emerge from the wood, they will create bore dust which can be found on the entrances to the holes and also in the surrounding area. You may also find dead beetles are the infested area.


If you think you have a woodworm problem, we strongly suggest you give us a call. We are professionally trained to deal with these pests in the most efficient and safest way possible.

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