Insect Eggs
Spring is officially here and with Easter just round the corner, it would only be fitting to talk about eggs this month. Unfortunately, not the chocolate type but insect eggs! This time of year is prime time for insect eggs to be laid and some even to hatch. Below you will find some common pest eggs that may have found their way into your home, so here is some information about what to look out for.
These unsightly pests will usually keep their eggs with them until they hatch (depending on species). However, if they feel threatened for some reason they will in fact drop their egg case. It is typical for cockroaches to produce egg cases which house their eggs until they are ready to hatch. This casing contains protein for the growing eggs and will harden over time during their development as a protective measure. They are around 2/3 of the size of the female cockroach and brown in colour. The female German cockroach (a species commonly found in the UK) will carry it’s egg sack/egg case under the abdomen and will contain around 50 eggs inside. Full development from egg to adult cockroach takes just over 100 days and with so many eggs produced at any one time, you can see how the population grows so quickly.
If you see cockroaches in or around your home, the chances are there is an infestation nearby!
Fleas are most commonly found on your pet cats and dogs. They bite the skin to get a blood meal. After this blood meal, the female flea will then lay it’s eggs. Fleas will lay over 30 eggs a day! The eggs usually do not stay on your pets skin and fur but rather drop onto the carpet or floor hence why such a small pest can cause big problems if left untreated. Fleas on a whole rarely live on their blood meal host, but rather move from host to host. They are able to jump significantly high which enhances their ability to move around regularly. Their eggs are usually very small, hard to see with the naked eye at times and are typically white in colour although can also be transparent. An adult flea is not much easier to spot due to their size of 1-2mm. Interestingly, a 90% of a flea population is typically made up of the eggs. So with this in mind, if you find one flea in your home, the chances are there are lots of eggs lying around too!
-Bed Bugs-
Bed bugs, like fleas, require blood meals to survive. You are most likely to find bed bugs, as the name would suggest, in your bedroom. Typically found on or around your mattress edges and buttons as it offers the best conditions for them to survive. It is warm, food is available (whilst you sleep) and they are not disturbed too much. Female bed bugs can lay around 2-4 eggs a day. They will lay their eggs after a blood meal. The adult bed bugs will not be far from their eggs, and usually hide in cracks and crevices. Bed bug eggs are small, oval shaped and white in colour. The eggs are usually laid in clusters which does make them easier to see. Bed bugs are nocturnal by nature which is another reason why it is difficult to see them. They can reproduce quickly and are very hard to eliminate completely without a professional pest controller.
If you think you may have a problem with the pests mentioned above, please give us a call, we can help!